Altogether four prepared speeches were delivered during the session. TM Chang delivered speech as part of Project 7 from basic manual, 'research your topic'.
His speech was evaluated by TM Hanif Sattar.
TM Shahrukh delivered the speech as part of project 10 of basic manual, 'inspire your audience'.
His speech was evaluated by TM Umer Ahmed.
TM Iqbal Bakhshi delivered speech from advanced manual 'Specialty Speeches', project 3 'sell your product'.
His speech was evaluated by TM Hanif Sattar.
TM Harris delivered speech as part of project 3, from basic manual.
His speech was evaluated by TM Chohan.
The evaluation session was conducted by TM Mahmood in the capacity of General Evaluator. Table topics session was evaluated by TM Hanif Sattar.
TM Chohan was voted as the best table topics speaker and prepared speech by TM Harris was voted as the best.