Role of the Timer was performed by TM Adnan. The Grammarian was TM Tahir. TM Fahim performed the duties of the Vote-Counter. TM Ibad was the Ah-Counter. And TM Nadym Chandna chose ‘Believe’ as the Word-Master.
There were three evaluators in our meeting. TM Fahim and Madam TM Dr. Avan were the speech evaluators. Table Topics were evaluated by Madam TM Dr. Avan.
Three guests honoured us with their presence. Bilquis Bano and her son Hammad, who is a young boy with hearing impairment but has an impressive speech, joined us for the evening. We are very hopeful that Hammad will join our club. Our favourite Toastmaster, TM Farid introduced us with his mother, Sarwat Siddiqui. She is an amazing person who is actively participating in all our activities outside the meeting room. We wish to see more of her in the future. TM Jaan Ali and TM Hera joined us little late.
The Table Topics session was very interesting as TM Nadym asked a question from every speaker. TM Maneck was asked what if he was a Manecka. TM Ibad was asked what if he was a waiter. Madam TM Dr. Avan was asked what if she was a nurse. TM Bakshi was asked what if he was Quaid-e-Azam. TM Taimur was asked what if he was not the son of TM Nadym and instead was a son of a driver. TM Fahim was asked what if Urdu was allowed in our club meetings. TM Tahir was asked what if tomorrow was his last day.
In Prepared Speeches session, there were two speeches. First speech was delivered by TM Shahrukh form the Humorously Speaking manual. He repeated its fifth project and the title of his speech was ‘what to do and what not to do?’
The second speech was delivered by TM Tauseef and he presented his project one from the Competent Communicator manual. Professional Toastmasters congratulates him on his Ice-Breaker.
The winner of the Table Topics was TM Fahim and Madam TM Dr. Avan was the Runner-up. TM Tauseef was the winner of the Prepared Speeches session and TM Shahrukh was the Runner-up.