Professional Toastmaster Club held its meeting on 22nd
September, 2013. Total eight people attended the meeting. Sergeant-at-Arms was
TM Haris who called the meeting and observed the oath. The meeting was presided
over by TM Rafi.
Toastmaster of the evening was TM Shahrukh, Table Topics Master was TM Zulfiqar, General Evaluator was TM Fahim and Table Topics Evaluator was TM Fazal. Article of the week was shared by TM Shahrukh, ’Aristotle’s concept of good life discussed.’ []

Roles were performed by TM Muneef as the Ah-Counter, TM
Ashraf as the Word Master (word of the day was ‘Arduous’) and TM Haris was the
Prepared speech was presented by TM Zafar Iqbal who
completed his project 7 from the Competent Communicator manual. He was
evaluated by TM Rafi and the title of his speech was ‘Benefits of the
University Education.’