Professional Toastmasters Club held its meeting on January
19th, 2014. The venue of the meeting was Carlton Hotel and the time
of assembly was 3:30 p.m. Total nine
people attended the meeting.
Sergeant-at-Arms, TM Shahrukh, started the meeting by
observing the pledge and President, TM Hanif, presided over the meeting.
Toastmaster of the Day was TM Aqeel, Table Topics Master was TM Parveen,
General Evaluator was TM Fazal and Table Topics Evaluator was TM Nazir.

Two speeches were delivered in the Prepared Speeches
session. First speech was delivered by TM Zafar. He presented his speech from
the advance manual, ‘Speaking to Inform’. The title of his speech was, ’Cycles
of the History.’ His speech was evaluated by TM Hanif.
The next speech was from TM Ashraf. He presented his Ice
Breaker from the Competent Communicator manual and he was evaluated by TM