Professional Toastmaster Club held its meeting on November 23rd, 2014. Total seven people attended the meeting. The theme of the meeting was success.

Sergeant-at-Arms, TM Shahrukh, called the meeting to order and the Club President TM Zafar presided over the meeting. Toastmaster of the Day was TM Fazal, Table Topics Master was TM Shahrukh, General Evaluator was TM Rafi and Table Topics Evaluator was TM Parveen.

Roles were performed by TM Neel as the Timer and TM Zafar as the Ah counter, Grammarian and the Word Master. The word of the day was Plurilateral.

There were three speeches presented during the Prepared Speeches manual. First speech was delivered by TM Zafar. He presented project 1 from the manual, Communication on Video. He was evaluated by TM Fazal. The title of his speech was ‘Third Column in Our Circle.’
The second speech was delivered by TM Shahrukh. The title of his speech was ‘Decision and Choices.’ He was evaluated by TM Parveen. He presented project 4 from Story Telling manual.
The third speech was made by TM Noman. He presented his project 4 from the Competent Communicator manual. The title of his speech was, ‘healthy body means healthy mind.’ His evaluator was TM Neel.
TM Parveen conducted an educational programme, 'Finding New Members for Your Club' from the Successful Club Series.