The role for the Toastmaster of the Evening was performed by TM Jaan Ali who is visually impaired. His performance was outstanding and he conducted the entire meeting without anyone’s help. Table Topic Master was TM Neel and General Evaluator was TM Maneckji. Table Topics Evaluator was TM Khalid.

Installation ceremony was conducted before the Table Topics session. The ceremony was conducted by TM Sameer and TM Bakshi. The new office bearers are TM Dr. Avan as the President, TM Shahrukh as the Vice President Education, TM Khalid as the Vice President Public Relations, TM Haris as the Vice President Membership, TM Aqeel as the Secretary, TM Ibad as the Treasurer and TM Neel as the Sergeant-at-Arms.

Roles for the meeting were performed by our four members. TM Farid was the Timer, TM Sameer was the Grammarian and TM Shahrukh was the Word-Master. TM Mehmood performed dual roles of the Ah-Counter and the Vote-Counter. Word of the day was ‘Disdain.’

There were three prepared speeches in the prepared speeches session. TM Nadeem presented his Ice Breaker form the manual: ‘Competent Communicator.’ He was evaluated by TM Ibad.

TM Aqeel repeated project five: ‘Your Body Speaks’ form the manual: Competent Communicator.’ He was evaluated by TM Dr. Avan. The title of his speech was 'Be A Winner.'

TM Shahrukh presented his first project: ‘Warm Up Your Audience’ from the manual: ‘Humorously Speaking.’ He was evaluated by TM Farid. The title of his speech was 'What Is Red And White?'

Winner of the Table Topics was TM Khalid and runner-up was TM Sameer. Winner of the prepared speeches was TM Shahrukh and runner-up was TM Nadeem.
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