TM Fahim is visiting various Toastmasters clubs of Singapore and keeping us updated. Here are some pictures of his experience with Lion City Toastmasters.

Roles were peformed by TM Shahrukh as the Grammarian, TM Adnan as the Ah-Counter, TM Junaid as the Word-Master and TM Tahir performed dual roles of the Timer and the Vote-Counter. Word of the day was ‘Quash.’

In the prepared speeches session, four speeches were delivered. First speech was delivered by TM Shabana. She presented her ‘Ice Breaker’ from the manual: Competent Communicator. She was evaluated by TM Ali Raza Abidi.

TM Mehmood presented project six: Vocal Variety from the manual: Competent Communicator. He was evaluated by TM Junaid. The title of his speech was ‘Traffic Jam.’
TM Aqeel presented project seven: Research Your Topic from the manual: Competent Communicator. The title of his speech was ‘Cyclone.’ He was evaluated by TM Adnan.
TM Jaan Ali presented his project two: Organise Your Speech from the manual: Competent Communicator. He is visually impaired but we were all agog by his performance. The Title of his speech was ‘How can I?’ and it was evaluated by Madam TM Dr. Avan.
Our winner for the Table Topics session was our guest TM Ali Raza Abidi. TM Shahrukh was the runner-up. Our winner for the Prepared Speeches session was TM Jaan Ali and TM Mehmood was the runner-up. TM Khalid was declared winner for most frequently using the word of the day.

We were all surprised when TM Aqeel presented our guest TM Ali Raze and our members TM Khalid, TM Mehmood and TM Jaan Ali with gifts. Every gift had a wonderful quotation which wills left the meeting that day but will forever remain with us.

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