Sunday, June 5, 2011

man is a social animal and animal in many other ways

Our members were agog on the theme of our meeting on June 2nd, 2011. The theme of the meeting was ‘Opportunity’. The venue was Beach Luxury Hotel and time was 6:30 p.m. Sergeant-at-Arms was TM Khalid who started the meeting by observing the Toastmasters pledge. Presiding officer was TM Shahrukh since our president TM Fahim was the Toastmaster of the Evening. General Evaluator was TM Hanif Sattar and Table Topics Evaluator was TM Mehmood.

Roles were performed by TM Tahir as the Timer and Vote-Counter, TM Sajjad as the Grammarian, TM Neel as Ah-Counter and TM Sajjad was the word-master. Word of the day was in shape of a phrase ‘positive thinking.’

Table Topics Session was conducted by TM Dr. Avan. We were to describe our life as an object and descried in such a way that other Toastmasters are able to guess what object we are. TM Hanif Sattar was a mirror, TM Sajjad was a chair, TM Neel was a computer, TM Nadeem was a pen, TM Tahir was a tea, TM Shahrukh was a walking stick, TM Jaan Ali was a cap, TM Fahim was a bag and TM Ibad was a door.

There were three prepared speeches delivered in the prepared speech session. TM Aqeel presented project six ‘Vocal Variety’ from the Competent Communicator manual. He was evaluated by TM Sajjad. His best line was that we must realise our weaknesses and focus on our strengths.

TM Khalid presented project six ‘Vocal Varity’ from the Competent Communicator manual. The title of his speech was ‘the unsung heroes’ and it was evaluated by TM Hanif Sattar. He narrated the story of Captain Ahsan Malik who with only with his few men fought the entire Indian brigade for 21 days. General Manekshaw form the Indian army praised his valour, courage and bravery.

Last prepared speech was delieverd by TM Ibad. He presented project two ‘Organise your Speech’ from the Competent Communicator manual. The title of his speech was ‘The grass is greener on the other side’ and it was evaluated by TM Tahir. His best line was that man is a social animal and animal in many other ways.

Winner of the Table Topics Session was TM Shahrukh and TM Sajjad was the runner-up. Winner of the Prepared Speeches Session was TM Aqeel and TM Ibad was the runner-up.

Our Vice-President Membership, TM Sajjad discussed with us the issue of increase in hotel charges. He also conducted the elections for our new executive committee. Our new President is TM Dr. Avan and our new Vice President Education is TM Shahrukh. TM Neel was nominated for the office of Sergeant-at-Arms. The elections will be continued in our next meeting.

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Professional Toastmasters Club is part of the global toastmasters club family. There are over 10,000 toastmasters clubs operating worldwide. Professional Toastmasters Club is chartered with Toastmasters International, a non-profit organisation dedicated to making effective communication a worldwide reality. There are four Toastmasters clubs currently operating in Karachi. These clubs following the same training format developed by Toastmasters International and is a time tested method to improve communication skills. Once an individual becomes member of a club, he/she is given same training opportunity and benefits irrespective of the professional or personal background. Meeting Programme: The club meetings every sunday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm at Carlton Hotel. The programme is comprised of three segments: table topics; prepared speeches; and evaluations.