Sunday, July 24, 2011

I am loving it, don’t be evil and just do it

Our meeting on 21st July, 2011, was a success. Our Sergeant-at-Arms started the meeting by observing the Toastmasters Pledge. The meeting was presided over by Madam TM Dr. Avan. Some issues regarding our club were discussed. Toastmaster of the Meeting was TM Bakshi and Table Topics Master was TM Adnan. General Evaluator was TM Fahim. Table Topics were evaluated by TM Neel.

Roles were performed by TM Taimur as the Ah-Counter, TM Jaan Ali as the Word-Master, TM Nadym as the Grammarian and TM Fahim was the Timer and the Vote-Counter. Word of the day was ‘Express.’

In Table Topics Session, speakers were asked to choose from the given brands and to speak on their slogans. Following are the given brands:

1) McDonald: I am loving it

2) Google: Don’t be evil

3) Nike: Just do it

4) Levies: Quality never goes out of style

5) Kodak: Share moments, share life

6) Nokia: Connecting people

7) Toastmasters: way of life.

Some interesting facts were brought to our attention. TM Aqeel told us that Nike is in fact a name of winged goddess of victory in Greek mythology. TM Nadym told us the Kodak was the first to introduce 3D-photography and TM Fahim told us that Google started as a simple search engine but challenged the monopoly of Microsoft.

There were four speeches in the prepared speeches session. First speech was delivered by TM Aqeel and it was evaluated by TM Shahrukh. He delivered his Project 9 from the Competent Communicator manual and the title of his speech was ‘Good Company and Bad Company.’ He said, ‘aligned with the people who are stretching, seeking and searching higher goals in life.’

The second speech was delivered by TM Dr. Avan. She delivered her final Project from the Interpretive Reading manual. She was evaluated by TM Bakshi and she read Mr. Jinnah’s address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11th August, 1947. She beautifully reminded us all about Jinnah’s vision to maintain law and order, rooting out bribery, nepotism, corruption and for equal rights to all citizens.

Third speech was presented by TM Shahrukh from Humorously Speaking manual. He presented his Project three and he was evaluated by TM Fahim. The title of his speech was ‘something lost and something found.’

TM Nadym presented the last speech from the Competent Communicator manual. He presented his Project three: get to the point. The title of his speech was ‘Takaful.’ He was evaluated by TM Dr. Avan. He explained us very beautifully that Insurance is not Haram (forbidden) in Islam but the process behind it is not in accordance with the Islamic principle. This impediment can be overcome.

Winners of the Table Topics was TM Fahim and TM Nadym was the runner-up

Winner for the Prepared Speeches was TM Nadym and TM Shahrukh was the runner-up.

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Professional Toastmasters Club is part of the global toastmasters club family. There are over 10,000 toastmasters clubs operating worldwide. Professional Toastmasters Club is chartered with Toastmasters International, a non-profit organisation dedicated to making effective communication a worldwide reality. There are four Toastmasters clubs currently operating in Karachi. These clubs following the same training format developed by Toastmasters International and is a time tested method to improve communication skills. Once an individual becomes member of a club, he/she is given same training opportunity and benefits irrespective of the professional or personal background. Meeting Programme: The club meetings every sunday from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm at Carlton Hotel. The programme is comprised of three segments: table topics; prepared speeches; and evaluations.